Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hiya guys, today I have some important news. There's been updates to AJ Twinkle! Here's a complete list of them.

-The cursor is now pink!
-When you click a page, the page title turns orange!
-A new page has been added to AJ Twinkle!
-AJ Twinkle is having a Rare Freedom Cape giveaway!
-The text is bolder and easier to read!

If you want a cursor for your Animal Jam Blog, go to http://www.cursors-4u.com and click a cursor you want, then click Blogger/Blogspot and copy the html code. Go into your blog, press layout, press "edit", click "Add Html" and paste the code there. It's not so complicated once you get the hang of it.  Anyways, the new item is the Snowman. Looks great, even though this should have come out much EARLIER, don't you think? I have to go, I'm really sorry. I'll post more later!

By Princess Sunnyclaw

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