Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snow Cannon, Old Jam-A-Grams, and More!

Hiya guys! Today's new item is the Snow Cannon. I think it's returning from 2012. All these snowy/Winter items should have come out in DECEMBER. Other than that, I like it. Great for blowing up, I mean freezing, your enemies.

Anyways, I found some old Jam-A-Grams from Fuzzy Shyivy's blog! You can pretty much find ancient AJ facts on there, since it was made in 2010 and was the first Animal Jam blog. 2010 was the best, when Animal Jam Headquarters had parties, and you could buy any item you wanted, and everyone was very nice. Anyway, the Jam-A-Grams are so cool! They're from October. The first one has a caution sign on it that says "BEWARE OF PHANTOMS" with a phantom dressed as a ghost next to it. The second one shows Jamaa Township in spooky-fied form and says JamaAHHHH! Oh, look! I just noticed instead of saying "Animal Jam Rocks!" It says "Animal Jam Rules!" These old Jam-A-Grams are so cool!
Yay, and I just found even more Halloween Jam-A-Grams! The first one has 3 Jack-O-Lanterns on a porchstep, and it says "HAPPY DAY OF THE PHANTOMS!" The second one has Animal Jam's logo made entirely of Candy Corn!
What Jam-A-Gram do you like best? Comment, and if you want, you can post a link to another picture of another beta Jam-A-Gram! If you would, I will feature you on the sidebar. :)

By Princess Sunnyclaw

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